Easy to use Sandbox

Easily integrate payments in your solution

The easiest way to embed all types of payment methods and flows with minimal friction.

We are with you at all transaction flows


But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of pleasure.


Expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth.


Praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account.


Build a better software with Our Hosted Pages and Modern UI Elements

With 10 different tempaltes and endless flexability the hosted page solution is the way to embed payments with PCI covrage and minimal effort.


Don't have a developer ? Not a problem - Check out our Wizards.

Product Wizard

Easily create a landing page for your product or service and start accepting payment in a matter of minutes.

Invoice Wizard

Easily create an Invoice page for your product or service and start collecting payments in a matter of minutes.

Hosted Page Wizard

Need to generate a link to send via email or SMS, want to add a simple button to your site to accept payments on your site - The Hosted Page Wizard is the way to go.

Code Example
        var Siganture = CryptoJS.SHA256(CompanyNum + TransType + TypeCredit + Amount + Currency + PersonalHashKey);

var Base64Siganture = Siganture.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Base64);

var hash = encodeURIComponent(Base64Siganture);

//String creation var src = baseUrl + "/member/remote_charge.asp?" + "CompanyNum=" + CompanyNum + "&TransType=" + TransType + "&Brand=" + Brand + "&CPM=114" + "&TypeCredit=" + TypeCredit + "&Amount=" + Amount + "&Member=" + Member + "&payments=3" + "&Currency=" + Currency + "&CVV2=" + CVV2 + "&Email=" + Email + "&PhoneNumber=" + PhoneNumber + "&BillingAddress1=" + BillingAddress1 + "&BillingAddress2=" + BillingAddress2 + "&BillingCity=" + BillingCity + "&BillingZipCode=" + BillingZipCode + "&BillingCountry=" + BillingCountry + "&StoreCc=" + StoreCc + "&Order=" + Order + "&AutoWalletRegistration=" + AutoWalletRegistration + "&RetURL=" + encodeURIComponent(RetURL) + "¬ification_url=" + encodeURIComponent(notification_url) + "&Signature=" + hash;

Looking for a more advanced implementation and don't mind the extra work ?

Our platform supports a Server to Server implementation and many more services you can levarage in your application or service

We do support a wide range of API calls to build custom services such as marketplaces and payment oriented applications - ask Support for more info.