Merchant Gateway Acquirer
1. Send Inital request with trans_storePm/StoreCc value 1
2. Pass the transaction to the Acquirer
3. Process the transaction with the schemes and return an Approved response
4.Generate a token from the card number and the approved transaction ID
5. Stores the token with the user ID in the merchant's CRM
Repeated transaction
6. Send the token in field CcStoragePublicReference to open the page with the stored card
7. User finalizes request by entering the CVV and Submitting the request
8. Converts the token and process the transaction with Acquirer
9. Processes transactions with the schemes
Initial Request
Initial Request

Learn the basics on how to start the integration and what you need in order to start

Learn More
Repeated Request
Repeated Request

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

Learn More

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

Learn More

Initial Request

The 3D secure flow requires a redirect to the bank's window, to simulate that, send the amount of 55.3 in any currency, the response that will be given will be ReplyCode=553 which means Pending transaction, the response will include the Pending transaction ID along with the URL to redirect the window to.
Remember you will need to URLdecode the URL, in the 3Dredirect field,before redirecting to the URL.

Hosted Page - Request Fields

Field Description Max Length Required 1
merchantID Your 7 digits merchant number - ####### 7 Yes
Amount to be charge
(example: 199.95)
20 Yes
Supported Currencies can be found Here, in Server to Server mode you must send the Currency ID. 3 Yes
trans_type 1 = Authorization only
0 = SALE
1 Yes
trans_installments Number of installments, 1 for regular transaction 2 Yes
trans_refNum Unique text used to defer one transaction from another 100 Optional
trans_comment Optional text used mainly to describe the transaction 255 Optional
trans_storePm Specifies, if the credit card should be stored in case of success:
0 = Do not store the card (default)
1 = Store the card
In order to store the credit card,
Credit Card Storage service should be enabled in your account.
1 Optional
disp_payFor Text shown to buyer in payment window, Usually description of purchase (Cart description, Product name) 40 Optional
disp_paymentType List of payment types that are available to the client.
Available values are can be found here: Payment Methods.
this list is use the abbreviation field from the list. If more than one, use comma to separate the values.
(example: CC,ED)
80 Optional
disp_lng The default language for the UI text in the window.
If omitted, language is taken from user's browser settings.

Available values are:
he-IL = עברית (ישראל)
en-US = English (United States)
fr-FR = français (France)
es-ES = español (España, alfabetización internacional)
lt-LT= lietuvių (Lietuva)
ru-RU = русский (Россия)
de-DE = Deutsch (Deutschland)
zh = 中文
5 Optional
disp_lngList Specifies the language(s) available to user in the Language Selector in the window.

Available values are:
all = all languages are available (default if the field is empty or omitted)
hide = the language selector is hidden
comma-separated list of codes for enabling specific language(s).

For example, disp_lngList=en-us,it-it will allow user to switch between English and Italian, and disp_lngList=en-us will show English only.
The available languages are listed in the disp_lng field description.
5 Optional
disp_recurring Specifies the deviations from the standard display of the recurring charges.

Available values are:
0 = standard display (default if the field is empty or omitted)
1 = hide the number of charges in the last stage of the recurring series
3 Optional
The URL for notifying your system with the transaction result.
Must include http:// or https://.
255 Optional
The URL to which the buyer’s browser is redirected to after completing the payment
Must include http:// or https://.
255 Optional
PLID Platform user ID - A unique identifier for the user on the platform 100 Optional
signature Signature for verifying the authenticity of the request parameters.
Field values to use: All parameters in the order they appear in the request, first GET then POST + PersonalHashKey.

more information can be found at the Signature section in this page
30 Yes
Code Example
			var Siganture = CryptoJS.SHA256(MerchantNumber + 0 + trans_comment + trans_refNum + trans_installments + trans_amount + trans_currency + payFor +
				 client_email + client_fullName + client_phoneNum + client_billAddress1 + client_billAddress2 + client_billCity + client_billZipcode + client_billState +
				 client_billCountry + PLID + trans_storePm + disp_lng + ui_version + Brand  + url_redirect + notification_url + PersonalHashKey);
			var Base64Siganture = Siganture.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Base64);
			var hash = encodeURIComponent(Base64Siganture);

			var src = "" + MerchantNumber + "&trans_type=" + 0  + "&trans_comment=" + trans_comment +
			 "&trans_refNum=" + trans_refNum + "&trans_installments=" + trans_installments + "&trans_amount=" + trans_amount + "&trans_currency=" +
			 trans_currency + "&disp_payFor=" + payFor + "&client_email=" + client_email + "&client_fullName=" + client_fullName + "&client_phoneNum=" +
			 encodeURIComponent(client_phoneNum) + "&client_billAddress1=" + client_billAddress1 + "&client_billAddress2=" + client_billAddress2 +
			 "&client_billCity=" + client_billCity + "&client_billZipcode=" + client_billZipcode + "&client_billState=" + client_billState +
			 "&client_billCountry=" + client_billCountry + "&PLID=" + PLID + "&trans_storePm=" + trans_storePm + "&disp_lng=" + disp_lng +
			 "&ui_version=" + ui_version + "&Brand=" + Brand +   "&url_redirect=" + encodeURIComponent(url_redirect) + 
			"& notification_url=" + encodeURIComponent(notification_url) +  "&signature=" + hash;  

Repeated Request

The 3D secure flow requires a redirect to the bank's window, to simulate that, send the amount of 55.3 in any currency, the response that will be given will be ReplyCode=553 which means Pending transaction, the response will include the Pending transaction ID along with the URL to redirect the window to.
Remember you will need to URLdecode the URL, in the 3Dredirect field,before redirecting to the URL.

Hosted Page - Request Fields

Field Description Max Length Required 1
merchantID Your 7 digits merchant number - ####### 7 Yes
Amount to be charge
(example: 199.95)
20 Yes
Supported Currencies can be found Here, in Server to Server mode you must send the Currency ID. 3 Yes
trans_type 1 = Authorization only
0 = SALE
1 Yes
trans_installments Number of installments, 1 for regular transaction 2 Yes
trans_refNum Unique text used to defer one transaction from another 100 Optional
trans_comment Optional text used mainly to describe the transaction 255 Optional
CcStoragePublicReference The unique identifier for the card token as recieved in the Intial request 100 Optional
disp_payFor Text shown to buyer in payment window, Usually description of purchase (Cart description, Product name) 40 Optional
disp_paymentType List of payment types that are available to the client.
Available values are can be found here: Payment Methods.
this list is use the abbreviation field from the list. If more than one, use comma to separate the values.
(example: CC,ED)
80 Optional
disp_lng The default language for the UI text in the window.
If omitted, language is taken from user's browser settings.

Available values are:
he-IL = עברית (ישראל)
en-US = English (United States)
fr-FR = français (France)
es-ES = español (España, alfabetización internacional)
lt-LT= lietuvių (Lietuva)
ru-RU = русский (Россия)
de-DE = Deutsch (Deutschland)
zh = 中文
5 Optional
disp_lngList Specifies the language(s) available to user in the Language Selector in the window.

Available values are:
all = all languages are available (default if the field is empty or omitted)
hide = the language selector is hidden
comma-separated list of codes for enabling specific language(s).

For example, disp_lngList=en-us,it-it will allow user to switch between English and Italian, and disp_lngList=en-us will show English only.
The available languages are listed in the disp_lng field description.
5 Optional
disp_recurring Specifies the deviations from the standard display of the recurring charges.

Available values are:
0 = standard display (default if the field is empty or omitted)
1 = hide the number of charges in the last stage of the recurring series
3 Optional
The URL for notifying your system with the transaction result.
Must include http:// or https://.
255 Optional
The URL to which the buyer’s browser is redirected to after completing the payment
Must include http:// or https://.
255 Optional
PLID Platform user ID - A unique identifier for the user on the platform 100 Optional
signature Signature for verifying the authenticity of the request parameters.
Field values to use: All parameters in the order they appear in the request, first GET then POST + PersonalHashKey.

more information can be found at the Signature section in this page
30 Yes
Code Example
			var Siganture = CryptoJS.SHA256(MerchantNumber + 0 + trans_comment + trans_refNum + trans_installments + trans_amount + trans_currency + payFor +
				 client_email + client_fullName + client_phoneNum + client_billAddress1 + client_billAddress2 + client_billCity + client_billZipcode + client_billState +
				 client_billCountry + PLID + trans_storePm + disp_lng + ui_version + Brand  + url_redirect + notification_url +   PersonalHashKey);
			var Base64Siganture = Siganture.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Base64);
			var hash = encodeURIComponent(Base64Siganture);

			var src = "" + MerchantNumber + "&trans_type=" + 0  + "&trans_comment=" + trans_comment +
			 "&trans_refNum=" + trans_refNum + "&trans_installments=" + trans_installments + "&trans_amount=" + trans_amount + "&trans_currency=" +
			 trans_currency + "&disp_payFor=" + payFor + "&client_email=" + client_email + "&client_fullName=" + client_fullName + "&client_phoneNum=" +
			 encodeURIComponent(client_phoneNum) + "&client_billAddress1=" + client_billAddress1 + "&client_billAddress2=" + client_billAddress2 +
			 "&client_billCity=" + client_billCity + "&client_billZipcode=" + client_billZipcode + "&client_billState=" + client_billState +
			 "&client_billCountry=" + client_billCountry + "&PLID=" + PLID + "&trans_storePm=" + trans_storePm + "&disp_lng=" + disp_lng +
			 "&ui_version=" + ui_version + "&Brand=" + Brand +   "&url_redirect=" + encodeURIComponent(url_redirect) + 
			"& notification_url=" + encodeURIComponent(notification_url)   +  "&signature=" + hash;  
Embed Short
Open Banking