Generate Link

Create a payment link to open the payment page with the set of details defind in the wizard

Generate Button

Generate a payment button to open the payment page with the set of details defind in the wizard

Share by Email

Share a payment request to a specific email address to ask the customer to pay for service.

Open Window

Open the generated payment page link in a new window and charge the customer with the set of details defind in the wizard

Transaction details

The first section of the wizard is the most important one, you can initiate the payment with just this part alone, the transaction details include the main parameters required to process a transaction.

Be sure to select the right payment flow and currency - be sure to generate the link after you finish updating the parameters.

Request Fields

Field Description
Text Pay For Description of the transaction
Trans Amount Amount to be charge (example: 199.95)
Currency to be used for the transaction.
Trans Comment Add a comment to be included in the request
Trans RefNum Your Order id in case you wish to include and reconcile
Brand Reference code to be used for affiliate tracking
Amount Options Creating payment options for the user to choose from.(example: 100|Startup,200|Growth)
Installments Number of installments to be used for the transaction (when applicable)
Sale / Auth Type of the transaction flow
HPP template Choose the design template of the payment

Merchant Details

The merchant details are the more advanced pramaters you might be interested is passing like the redirect URL or a notification url for your backend system to pickup on the transaction details once approved or declined.

Request Fields

Field Description
Merchant Number The merchant id to process the transaction - Preloaded/td>
Redirect URL The page to redirect the customer to at the end of the transaction
Notification URL V2
The endpoint to update the merchant at the end of a transaction.
Terminal code The terminal code to process the transaction with (Ask Support)

Optional Recurring Data

Our platform supports recurring billing and you can setup a subscription directly from the payment request based on the params listed below - to learn more on how to generate the values feel free to go to our Recurring payment screen to learn more.

Request Fields

Field Description
Trans Recurring 1 First phase of the recurring series - learn more at Recurring details
Trans Recurring 2 Second phase of the recurring series - learn more at Recurring details
Recurring Display
Indicate if to show the user the recurring details
Recurring Type Sale / Auth

Optional Client Details

Filling the customer details in the wizard will include them in the request and will hide the fields from the payment page, the user will be able to edit the details if he wishes to change them.

Request Fields

Field Description
Full Name Customer full name - English only
Email address The customer's email address
Phone Number
The customer's phone number including country code
ID Number The customer national id in case it is needed by the provider
Billing Address 1 The customer's billing address - street name
Billing Address 2 The customer's billing address 2 - flat, floor etc
Billing Zipcode
The customer's zip code
Billing State The customer's billing state - using ISO 3166-2 Wikipedia
Billing Country
The customer's billing country - select from dropdown
Billing City The customer's billing City