Service Endpoint


Request Headers

Parameter Mandatory Type Description
Content-Type Yes string application/json
applicationToken Yes string The applicationToken provided to you by support in order to access the service.

Request Fields

Parameter Mandatory Type Description
email Yes string Email of the user which has to be logged in
userName No string Username of the user which has to be logged in
password Yes string Password of the user which has to be logged in
options No This block contains login options
appName No string Name of the application from which login is being performed
applicationToken Yes string Application token for which login is being performed (same value you add to the request's header)
deviceId No string ID of the device from which login is being performed
pushToken No string Push token (allows to get push messages on mobile devices)
setCookie No boolean Defines whether cookie has to be set
userRole Yes String Must be sent along with the request:
Customer = 15
Affiliate = 25
Merchant = 20
Merchant-sub = 21

Response Fields

Parameter Type Description
Code int Result code
IsSuccess boolean Defines whether service call was processed successfully or not
Key string Result key ("Success", "Error", etc.)
Message string Result message
AccountStatus string The status of the logged in user either a merchant/ customer etc - you can use this to assign permissions on your end
CredentialsHeaderName string Name of the header which should hold credentials token. Check headers' topic to get more info
CredentialsToken string User's credentials token, which should be also added to headers. Check headers' topic to get more info
EncodedCookie string *TBD*
CustomerNumber string The internal identifier for the client is the system.
Email string The email associated with the account.
IsDeviceActivated boolean Defines whether devices was activated using DeviceActivate method
IsDeviceBlocked boolean Defines whether device was blocked by the system
IsDeviceRegistered boolean Defines whether devices was registered using RegisterDevice method
IsDeviceRegistrationRequired boolean Defines whether registering device with RegisterDevice method is required
IsFirstLogin boolean Defines whether this is first login for the account
LastLogin dateTime Date of the previous login with this account
VersionUpdateRequired boolean Defines whether application has to be updated

Request example

Code Example
"email": "string",
"userName": "string",
"password": "string",
"options": {
"appName": "string",
"applicationToken": "string",
"deviceId": "string",
"pushToken": "string",
"setCookie": boolean,
"userRole": "15"

Response example

Code Example
"d": {
"Code": int,
"IsSuccess": boolean,
"Key": "string",
"Message": "string",
"Number": "string",
"AccountStatus": "string",
"CredentialsHeaderName": "string",
"CredentialsToken": "string",
"EncodedCookie": "string",
"CustomerNumber": "string",
"Email": "string",
"Signature": "string",
"IsDeviceActivated": boolean,
"IsDeviceBlocked": boolean,
"IsDeviceRegistered": boolean,
"IsDeviceRegistrationRequired": boolean,
"IsFirstLogin": boolean,
"LastLogin": dateTime,
"VersionUpdateRequired": boolean