Processing Refunds

Field Description MaxLength Required 1
CompanyNum Your company number - ####### 7 Yes
TransType 2 Transaction type: 0 = SALE Transaction 2 Yes
TypeCredit 2 0 = Refund 1 Yes
Amount Amount to be charged, e.g. 199.95 10 Yes
Currency Supported Currencies can be found Here, in Server to Server mode you must send the Currency ID. 1 Yes
Comment Optional text used mainly to describe the transaction 500 Optional
RefTransID Reference transaction ID. Used to specify the original transaction id for REFUND TypeCredit = 0. 10 Mandatory
notification_url The callback URL you wish our servers to update at the end of each transaction, this can passed either via the MCP or via this field. 255 Optional
Signature Signature for verifying the authenticity of the request parameters.
Field values to use: CompanyNum + TransType + TypeCredit + Amount + Currency + CardNum + RefTransID + PersonalHashKey
Refer to BASIC INFO SIGNATURE for detailed explanation.
50 Mandatory

Request example

Code Example
var Siganture = CryptoJS.SHA256(CompanyNum + 0 + 0 + Amount + Currency + RefTransID + PersonalHashKey);
var Base64Siganture = Siganture.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Base64);
var hash = encodeURIComponent(Base64Siganture);

var src = "" + "CompanyNum=" + CompanyNum + "&TransType="  + 0 + "&RefTransID=" + RefTransID +
 "&TypeCredit=" + 0  + "&Amount=" + Amount + "&Signature=" + hash;

To see samples of request and responses we recommend visiting the Examples section at the bottom of the page Here