Service Endpoint


Request Headers

Parameter Mandatory Type Description
Content-Type Yes string application/json
applicationToken Yes string The applicationToken provided to you by support in order to access the service.
CredentialsHeaderName Yes string The value of "CredentialsToken" returned from the Authentication call .
Signature Yes string The signature created from the values sent in the body of the request - sample script
												 hash = CryptoJS.SHA256(pm.request.body.raw + pm.collectionVariables.get('salt'));
    signature = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(hash)
    pm.variables.set("Signature", "bytes-SHA256, " + signature).

Request Fields

Parameter Mandatory Type Description
BeneficiaryBankAccountId Yes Integer The id of the beneficiary you wish to transfer the funds to
Amount Yes String the amount you wish to transfer
CurrencyIsoCode Yes String The currency you wish to use
Comment Yes String An additional text to include in the transfer
Date Yes Null
SourceCurrency No String The source balance you wish to use - if null will use transaction Currency
TargetCurrency No String The currency you wish to transfer in case of a conversion
OrderID No String Your unique order id
payoutBankAccountId No String The currency you wish to transfer in case of a conversion
payoutPaymentMethod No String The method to use for the payout currently supported "au_bank_swift_aud"
payoutPurpose No String The purpose of the transaction :
AFEN Payment to affiliate entity
PROL Payroll
SUPA Supplier payment
TUIT Tuition
SELF Withdrawal to self
statusNotificationURL No String The end point you wish to be notified at for the complition of the payout request Learn more about the notification here

Response Fields

Parameter Type Description
Code int Result code
IsSuccess boolean Defines whether service call was processed successfully or not
Key string Result key ("Success", "Error", etc.)
Message string Result message
Number string The Beneficiary id that was created and will be used for payout request

Request example

Code Example
"data" : {
"BeneficiaryBankAccountId": 9551,
"Amount" : "2",
"CurrencyIsoCode": "AUD",
"Comment": "Test from web service",
"Date": null,
"SourceCurrency": "AUD",
"TargetCurrency": "AUD",
"OrderID": "567832"
"payoutBankAccountId" : 9550,
"payoutPaymentMethod" : "au_bank_acct",
"payoutPurpose": "GIFT",
"statusNotificationURL": "http://example.test"

Response example

Code Example
"d": {
"__type": "RequestPaymentResult:WebServices",
"Code": 0,
"IsSuccess": true,
"Key": "Success",
"Message": "Your request has been processed",
"Number": "Wire id: 13296, Balance id: 35088",
"BalanceId": 35088,
"BalanceRequestId": 15881,
"WireId": 13296