Use this service to request a payout to one of your beneficiaries .
hash = CryptoJS.SHA256(pm.request.body.raw + pm.collectionVariables.get('salt')); signature = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(hash) pm.variables.set("Signature", "bytes-SHA256, " + signature).
{ "data" : { "BeneficiaryBankAccountId": 9551, "Amount" : "2", "CurrencyIsoCode": "AUD", "Comment": "Test from web service", "Date": null, "SourceCurrency": "AUD", "TargetCurrency": "AUD", "OrderID": "567832" }, "payoutBankAccountId" : 9550, "payoutPaymentMethod" : "au_bank_acct", "payoutPurpose": "GIFT", "statusNotificationURL": "http://example.test" }
{ "d": { "__type": "RequestPaymentResult:WebServices", "Code": 0, "IsSuccess": true, "Key": "Success", "Message": "Your request has been processed", "Number": "Wire id: 13296, Balance id: 35088", "BalanceId": 35088, "BalanceRequestId": 15881, "WireId": 13296 } }
Use this service to login first.
Create the Beneficiary before you can payout
Check the status of your outgoing transfers