Service Endpoint


Request Headers

Parameter Mandatory Type Description
Content-Type Yes string application/json
applicationToken Yes string The applicationToken provided to you by support in order to access the service.
CredentialsHeaderName Yes string The value of "CredentialsToken" returned from the Authentication call .
Signature Yes string The signature created from the values sent in the body of the request - sample script
												 hash = CryptoJS.SHA256(pm.request.body.raw + pm.collectionVariables.get('salt'));
    signature = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(hash)
    pm.variables.set("Signature", "bytes-SHA256, " + signature).

Request Fields

Parameter Mandatory Type Description
ABA / BSB Yes string Your banking sort code
BankAccountName No string The name of the account in the banking system
BankAccountNickName Yes string A name used to identify the account internally
BankAccountNumber No Your account number
CurrencyIsoCode Yes String The account currency
Iban Yes String The IBAN numbder for the account
SwiftNumber Yes String The SWIFT number when relevant
BankName No string The name of the bank you are sending funds to
BankAddress1 No string Bank address 1
BankAddress2 Yes string Bank address 2
BankCity No string The Bank city
CountryIsoCode Yes String The Bank country code
PostalCode Yes String The Bank zip code
StateIsoCode Yes String The Bank state ISO code
BeneficiaryAddress No boolean THe address of the beneficiary
BeneficiaryCity Yes String The city where the beneficiary lives
BeneficiaryCountry Yes String The country where the beneficiary lives
BeneficiaryZip Yes String The zip code for the beneficiary address
BeneficiaryProfileType Yes String One of the following options:
SettlementAcount (Your own account) = 1
Salary (Paying a Salary to an employee) = 2
Supplier = 3
Other = 9
BeneficiaryBusinessType Yes String Accepted values: Individual/Business
First Yes String Beneficiary first name for an individual account
Last Yes String Beneficiary last name for an individual account
NppPayID Yes String New Payment Platform (NPP) PayID
NppPayIDType Yes String Mention the type of PayID,It takes values ["EMAIL, PHONE, ORG, ABN"]
Bsb Yes String (Bank-State-Branch) is a six-digit number that identifies banks and branches across Australia. It similar to "Bank Code" we already have, but the format is "123-456" with minus sign and Bank Code we have now in DB is integer.
Ifsc Yes String “Indian Financial System Code”, for example "SBIN0007587" when using Payouts for India

Response Fields

Parameter Type Description
Code int Result code
IsSuccess boolean Defines whether service call was processed successfully or not
Key string Result key ("Success", "Error", etc.)
Message string Result message
Number string The Beneficiary id that was created and will be used for payout request

Request example

Code Example
"data" : {
"BankAccountName": "TestR100",
"BankAccountNickName": "TestR100Nick",
"BankAccountNumber": "34324234234",
"Aba": "346546546",
"Iban": null,
"SwiftNumber": "4365543634",
"CurrencyIsoCode": "AUD",
"BankName": "TestBankB",
"BankAddress1": "BTesting avenue 123",
"BankAddress2": "",
"BankCity": "Sidney",
"CountryIsoCode": "AU",
"PostalCode": "67547",
"StateIsoCode": "TS",
"BeneficiaryProfileType": "Supplier",
"BeneficiaryAddress": "BTesting avenue 3123",
"BeneficiaryCity": "Sidney",
"BeneficiaryCountry": "AU",
"BeneficiaryZip": "21008",
"BeneficiaryBusinessType": "Individual",
"NppPayID": null,
"NppPayIDType": null,
"Bsb": "033-111",
"Ifsc": "AUBL0002211",
"SORT": null,
"BranchNumber": 25345,
"BankCode": 345345,
"First": "Test",
"Last": "Tester",
"Logo": null

Response example

Code Example
"d": {
"__type": "WebServiceModels.ServiceResult:Bll.WebServiceWrapper",
"Code": 0,
"IsSuccess": true,
"Key": null,
"Message": null,
"Number": "9551"