TransType |
Indication of the Type of transaction meaning SALE(0)/AUTH(1)/CAPTURE(2) |
2 |
Reply |
The reply code for the transaction - 000 = Approved / 553/001 = Pending / Anything else = Decline |
000 |
TransID |
The ID for the transaction |
21297 |
Date |
The date in which the transaction was processed |
21/01/2023 16:15:24 |
Order |
Your unique order ID as it was sent as part of your original request |
10101010 |
Amount |
The amount the transaction was processed at - in case of a conversion this would the actual amount processed |
100.00 |
Payments |
The number of installments for the transaction in case this is an Installment transaction |
1 |
Currency |
The Currency the transaction was processed at - in case of a conversion this would the actual Currency processed |
1 |
ConfirmationNum |
In case of an AUTH transaction if the provider share an additional confirmation id it will be included |
1234567 |
Comment |
The comment text as it was shared with the original transaction |
Deposit |
ReplyDesc |
The description for the replycode as it was given by the provider or translated by the system |
CCType |
The type of payment method used by the payer during the transaction |
Visa |
Descriptor |
The descriptor for the transaction as it is configured in the system |
Testing Environment |
RecurringSeries |
In case the trasnaction is part of a recurring series the series id will be included in the response |
Last4 |
In case of a card transaction the last 4 digits of the card number will be included in the response |
1111 |
ExpMonth |
In case the payment method used is a card the expiration month will be included in the response |
11 |
ExpYear |
In case the payment method used is a card the expiration year will be included in the response |
25 |
ccStorageID |
In case you have asked to store the card during the original transaction request the ccStorageID param will hold the id for this card |
ccPublicReference |
In case you have asked to store the card during the original transaction request the ccPublicReference param will hold the identifer for this card/email to enable you to load the stored cards for the user in our hosted page |
Source |
This field will represent the origin of the response - SILENTPOST means before the "Redirect" and APPROVED means after the "Redirect" |
debit_company |
When "Cashier mode" is enable for your account this will hold the id of the provider used to process the request |
1 |
debit_refnum |
The unique identifier provided by the provider in their response - will be included in case the transaction reached the provider and wasnt blocked by the Risk rules in our system. |
ccBIN |
The first 6 digits of the card number when the payment method used was a card |
411111 |
OAmount |
The amount the transaction was initiated with - in case of a conversion this would the amount you sent to be processed |
100.00 |
OCurrency |
The Currency the transaction was initiated with - in case of a conversion this would the Currency you sent to be processed |
1 |
signType |
SHA256 |
signature |
The response signature is built from the response params as listed below:
urlencode(base64( hash('sha256', trans_id + trans_refNum+ replyCode + trans_amount + trans_currency + merchanthash)))
fRsVMBInoYUAz%2F%2B7%2BxLciuXSjjyRKEcR9%2FFdmndz0%2Bg%3D |