Request Fields

Field Description MaxLength Required 1
CompanyNum Your company number - ####### 7 Yes
TransType 2 Transaction type: 2 = Transaction 2 Yes
TypeCredit 2 10 = VOID 1 Yes
Amount Amount to be charged, e.g. 199.95 10 Yes
Currency Supported Currencies can be found Here, in Server to Server mode you must send the Currency ID. 1 Yes
Comment Optional text used mainly to describe the transaction 500 Optional
TransApprovalID transaction ID. Used to specify the original transaction id for VOID TypeCredit = 10. 10 Mandatory
notification_url The callback URL you wish our servers to update at the end of each transaction, this can passed either via the MCP or via this field. 255 Optional
Signature Signature for verifying the authenticity of the request parameters.
Field values to use: CompanyNum + TransType + TypeCredit + PersonalHashKey
Refer to BASIC INFO SIGNATURE for detailed explanation.
50 Mandatory

Code example

Code Example
var Siganture = CryptoJS.SHA256(CompanyNum + 2 + 10 + PersonalHashKey);
var Base64Siganture = Siganture.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Base64);
var hash = encodeURIComponent(Base64Siganture);

var src = "" + "CompanyNum=" + CompanyNum + "&TransType="  + 2 +
				 "&TransApprovalID=" + TransApprovalID + "&TypeCredit=" + 10  + "&Signature=" + hash;                        

Request example

Comment=Test VOID&

Response Fields

Parameter Name Description Example
TransType Indication of the Type of transaction meaning SALE(0)/AUTH(1)/CAPTURE(2) 2
Reply The reply code for the transaction - 000 = Approved / 553/001 = Pending / Anything else = Decline 000
TransID The ID for the transaction 21297
Date The date in which the transaction was processed 21/01/2023 16:15:24
Order Your unique order ID as it was sent as part of your original request 10101010
Amount The amount the transaction was processed at - in case of a conversion this would the actual amount processed 100.00
Payments The number of installments for the transaction in case this is an Installment transaction 1
Currency The Currency the transaction was processed at - in case of a conversion this would the actual Currency processed 1
ConfirmationNum In case of an AUTH transaction if the provider share an additional confirmation id it will be included 1234567
Comment The comment text as it was shared with the original transaction Deposit
ReplyDesc The description for the replycode as it was given by the provider or translated by the system SUCCESS
CCType The type of payment method used by the payer during the transaction Visa
Descriptor The descriptor for the transaction as it is configured in the system Testing Environment
RecurringSeries In case the trasnaction is part of a recurring series the series id will be included in the response
Last4 In case of a card transaction the last 4 digits of the card number will be included in the response 1111
ExpMonth In case the payment method used is a card the expiration month will be included in the response 11
ExpYear In case the payment method used is a card the expiration year will be included in the response 25
ccStorageID In case you have asked to store the card during the original transaction request the ccStorageID param will hold the id for this card
ccPublicReference In case you have asked to store the card during the original transaction request the ccPublicReference param will hold the identifer for this card/email to enable you to load the stored cards for the user in our hosted page
Source This field will represent the origin of the response - SILENTPOST means before the "Redirect" and APPROVED means after the "Redirect" SILENTPOST/APPROVED
debit_company When "Cashier mode" is enable for your account this will hold the id of the provider used to process the request 1
debit_refnum The unique identifier provided by the provider in their response - will be included in case the transaction reached the provider and wasnt blocked by the Risk rules in our system.
ccBIN The first 6 digits of the card number when the payment method used was a card 411111
OAmount The amount the transaction was initiated with - in case of a conversion this would the amount you sent to be processed 100.00
OCurrency The Currency the transaction was initiated with - in case of a conversion this would the Currency you sent to be processed 1
signType SHA256
signature The response signature is built from the response params as listed below:

urlencode(base64( hash('sha256', trans_id + trans_refNum+ replyCode + trans_amount + trans_currency + merchanthash)))

Response example

Descriptor=Testing Environment&