Submit Request

Start with requesting a refund, you can ask for a full amount or a partial amount(if allowed)

Back Office Review

Our backoffice team will review all refund requests and will decide if to approve the refund request or not.

Acquirer Approval

Once the backoffice team approves the request it is automaticly sent to the acquirer for processing

Status Update

Once the final status from the acquirer arrives you will be notified to the notification endpoint of the transaction.

Refund Request

This page describes how to manage refund requests remotely.

  • - Using this interface you can create new refund request and/or check refund request status
  • - Refund request can be either full or partial 1.
  • - Multiple partial refund request can be created for single transaction.
  • - The overall amount of all refund requests for a single transaction cannot exceed the initial transaction amount.
  • - Expired credit card cannot be refunded.
  • - Transaction over a year old cannot be refunded.

Request Endpoint

Request Fields

Your merchant number - #######
7 Yes
Refunded Transaction ID - ID number of the initial transaction (the one to be refunded).
9 Yes
Action to take - Accepts one of the following values:
  • CREATE - create new refund request.
  • STATUS - check refund request status*.
  • DELETE - delete pending refund request**.
* If there are multiple refund requests for the transaction, status of each request is returned.
** If there are multiple pending refund requests for the transaction, RequestID must be specified.
6 Yes
Amount to refund
When the action is CREATE, a refund amount can be specified.
This field is needed only for creating a partial refund request 1 on the transaction.

The amount requested to refund cannot exceed the initial transaction amount.
If omitted, all the initial transaction amount is requested to refund.

If there is a partial refund request already created for the transaction,
the new refund request amount cannot exceed the remaining amount.
If omitted in this case, all the remaining amount is requested to refund.
10 No
RequestID Refund Request ID - ID number of the existing unprocessed (pending) refund request for transaction specified in RefTransID.
9 No
Optional text used mainly to describe the refund request reason and details 300 No
Signature for verifying the authenticity of the request parameters.
Field values to use: MerchantNumber + PersonalHashKey

Refer to SIGNATURE for detailed explanation.
30 Yes

Request Examples

1. Create new refund request:

Code Example 

2. Create new refund request (partial) 1:

Code Example

3. Check refund request status:

Code Example 

4. Delete refund request:

Code Example 

(1) Due to the risk management policy, some debit terminals do not allow partial refund requests
(2) Taken from management --> security settings
(3) Examples include a sample only signature, for the real request to work replace signature with your own

Response Fields

Parameter Name Description Example
Reply The reply code for the refund request 1
ReplyDesc The description of the reply code and the current status of the refund request 000

Response example

Reply=12&ReplyDesc=Unable to refund transaction that is older then one year