Provided you include the statusNotificationURL parameter in your request the system will send a notification to your chosen endpoint in the following format:

YOUR ENDPOINT??wire_id=13296&order_id=567832&account_id=234375&beneficiary_id=9551&payout_account_id=9550&wire_status=Completed&transfer_amount=2.00&transfer_currency=AUD&payment_scheme=au_bank_acct&payout_account_name=TestT100&payout_account_nickname=TestT00Nick&payout_account_first=Test&payout_account_last=Tester&payout_account_company_name=&beneficiary_name=TestR100&beneficiary_nickname=TestR100Nick&beneficiary_first=Test&beneficiary_last=Tester&beneficiary_company_name=&signature=wqZtZ%2BA91jZXF86TniQ6hCP6Z1e9YEqbv3o%2B9eje3sM%3D
Parameter Description
wire_id The ID of the payout created on the platform (aka "wire")
order_id Your unique order id that will be use to reconcile the payout on your system
account_id The ID for your merchant account on our platform
beneficiary_id The id for the beneficiary you sent the money to
payout_account_id The Payout account you sent the money from
wire_status The status for your payout request
transfer_amount The amount that was sent to the beneficiary.
transfer_currency The currency used for the payout request
payment_scheme The payment method used to transfer the amount
payout_account_name The name of the account used to payout.
payout_account_nickname The "nickname" you used when storing the account for easy reference.
payout_account_first The first name of the payout account holder .
payout_account_last The last name of the payout account holder .
payout_account_company_name The company name of the payout account holder .
beneficiary_name The name of the beneficiary account .
beneficiary_nickname The "nickname" you used when storing the beneficiary account for easy reference.
beneficiary_first The first name of the beneficiary account holder.
beneficiary_last The last name of the beneficiary account holder.
beneficiary_company_name The company name of the beneficiary account holder.
signature base64( hash('sha256', wireId + orderID + accountId + beneficiaryId + payoutAccountId + wireStatus + transferAmount + processingCurrency + paymentScheme + payoutAccountName + payoutAccountNickname + payoutAccountFirst + payoutAccountLast + payoutAccountCompanyName + beneficiaryName + beneficiaryNickname + beneficiaryFirst + beneficiaryLast + beneficiaryCompanyName + HashKey))

*** Please be sure to support POST on your end to receive the notifcation