Service Endpoint


Request Headers

Parameter Mandatory Type Description
Content-Type Yes string application/json
applicationToken Yes string The applicationToken provided to you by support in order to access the service.
CredentialsHeaderName Yes string The value of "CredentialsToken" returned from the Authentication call .
Signature Yes string The signature created from the values sent in the body of the request - sample script
												 hash = CryptoJS.SHA256(pm.request.body.raw + pm.collectionVariables.get('salt'));
    signature = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(hash)
    pm.variables.set("Signature", "bytes-SHA256, " + signature).

Request Fields

Parameter Mandatory Type Description
FromCreateDate Yes string The date from which you would like to get the pending wires from
WireOrigin No string The Origin which initiated the Payout request:
Merchant_Settlement = 1,
Affiliate_Settlement = 2,
Request_Payment = 3,
Banking = 4,
BalanceFees = 5
WireStatus Yes string You can filter the request for a certain status of the Payout:
Pending = 0, Canceled = 1,
Hold = 2,
Sent = 3,
Completed = 10,
InProgress = 11
PageNumber Yes String The paging of the results to get the next batch of results
PageSize Yes string The number of results that will be returned

Response Fields

Parameter Type Description
Code int Result code
IsSuccess boolean Defines whether service call was processed successfully or not
Key string Result key ("Success", "Error", etc.)
Message string Result message
Number string The Beneficiary id that was created and will be used for payout request

Request example

Code Example
		"FromCreateDate": "2/01/2019",
		"WireOrigin": 3,
		"WireStatus": 10
		"PageNumber": 1,
		"PageSize": 2000

Response example

Code Example
  "d": {
    "Code": int,
    "IsSuccess": boolean,
    "Key": "string",
    "Message": "string",
    "Number": "string",
	"AccountStatus": "string",
    "CredentialsHeaderName": "string",
    "CredentialsToken": "string",
    "EncodedCookie": "string",
	"CustomerNumber": "string",
	"Email": "string",
	"Signature": "string",
    "IsDeviceActivated": boolean,
    "IsDeviceBlocked": boolean,
    "IsDeviceRegistered": boolean,
    "IsDeviceRegistrationRequired": boolean,
    "IsFirstLogin": boolean,
    "LastLogin": dateTime,
    "VersionUpdateRequired": boolean