Use this service to check the status of your outgoing transfer to make sure they were processed properly.
hash = CryptoJS.SHA256(pm.request.body.raw + pm.collectionVariables.get('salt')); signature = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(hash) pm.variables.set("Signature", "bytes-SHA256, " + signature).
{ "filters":{ "FromCreateDate": "2/01/2019", "WireOrigin": 3, "WireStatus": 10 }, "sortAndPage":{ "PageNumber": 1, "PageSize": 2000 } }
{ "d": { "Code": int, "IsSuccess": boolean, "Key": "string", "Message": "string", "Number": "string", "AccountStatus": "string", "CredentialsHeaderName": "string", "CredentialsToken": "string", "EncodedCookie": "string", "CustomerNumber": "string", "Email": "string", "Signature": "string", "IsDeviceActivated": boolean, "IsDeviceBlocked": boolean, "IsDeviceRegistered": boolean, "IsDeviceRegistrationRequired": boolean, "IsFirstLogin": boolean, "LastLogin": dateTime, "VersionUpdateRequired": boolean } }
Learn how to access the service
Start by creating a Beneficiary.
Learn how to create a payout request.