Welcome to the CoriunderCloud documentation center

Here you can learn how to integrate to the full stack of services we have to offer.

First Step - Choose the implementation method

Review the option and decide the best course of action, each method has its benefits but it is up to you to decide which method will work best for you - you can use more then one but be sure to ask support to enable the relevant one.

No Code

Start accepting payments with all avaiable payment methods without any coding.

Hosted Page

You have full control to manage your own account and keep account fully secure.

Server to Server

Check out all your payment history. You can also download or print your invoice.

Second Step - Learn what comes after

Choosing the method is important but understanding the key components is crucial, learn about the test environment and Post processing data you can use to streamline your implementation.

Test Environment

Learn what you can do while your account is in "Integration" mode, which cards you can use and how to test replies - all the answers to your questions in one place.

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Post Processing

Learn about what comes after the transaction, the redirect and the callback information and what you can do to pull transaction details by Transaction id or by Order id.

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Use Cases

Learn about some of the "Spcial" use cases that are avaiable during processing, from APMs in global markets to 3DS workflows and more.

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