SALE transaction is a full charge of the card holder, the same as the complete AUTH + CAPTURE transaction. Make sure to follow the description for a full implementation.

Take me to SALE

To process an Authorization Only transaction please follow the description below, in some territories Authorization Only transactions are reffered to as J5 transactions.

Take me to Auth / CAPTURE

When using hosted page the 3DS flow is covered by the hosted page - learn what to expect and what the user will expirence.

Take me to 3D Secure

Learn how to control the UI to present Alternative Payment Methods and what will be the user flow.

Take me to APM

To VOID an previously Authorized transaction you will be able to use the MCP or Server to server request.

Take me to VOID
Dynamic Amounts

Instead of sending one fixed amount to the payment page you can now send multiple options and allow the customer to choose the plan and amount he wants to pay.

Take me to Dynamic Amounts

Build a subscription service using our recurring engine, tell us how to charge the user and we will do the rest.

Take me to Recurring
Stored Cards

An introduction to the Stored cards flow and the different ways to implement the functionality.

Take me to Stored Cards

Important points to pay attention to:

  • The preferred http method to use is GET.
  • Please do not use localhost urls in your requests, these might be blocked by our WAF
  • In case using languages other then english remember to urlencode any special charcther included in the request, we recommend using English for all requests as not all acquirers/PSPs knows how to handle languages other then english.
  • Optional fields are "Optional" on a technical level but might be required by different providers, we recommend including as much information as possible with each request that way the chances for a transaction to be approved by the providers will be higher.
  • The "Signature" is the most important part of the request, pay attention to the order of the parameters in the request and in the signature, be sure to url encode the relevant fields, each type of request include an example written in JS to show the creation process of the signature and the request string.

Requests Endpoint:

It's all about the SIGNATURE!

Before you start dont forget you have to learn how the signature works in order to get the payment page integration to work.
Remember two things: The order of the params and to urlencode any param that might have special characthers - that is the key to success.

Hosted - Extra Features

The hosted page integration could be straight forward with no bells and whistles but we have a large set of extra features you might be able to use that will benefit your company.

Design Templates

Learn more about the different designs for our payment page and choose the best design to fit your brand - you can always mix and match depending on your payment flows.s

Take me to Design Templates
Product Pages

If you have a special activity you wish to market and dont want to build a custom page for it you can use our product pages for every function.

Take me to Product Pages
Wizard Payment Page

Learn how you can use our Wizard to create custom links and share them in different channelss

Take me to Wizard Payment Page
Latam Payments

Our system support a wide range of payment methods including LATAM based payment methods, learn more about the different flows.

Take me to Latam Payments
Custom Text

Add your custom text to the Hosted Page design and let your users know what to do at every stage.

Take me to Custom Text
Custom CSS

Update the Hosted Page CSS files so the design will fit YOUR brand.

Take me to Custom CSS
Brand / UTM Tracking

The Brand parameter allows you to monitor the source of the transactions, from different landing pages and partners reffering traffic to your payment pages.

Take me to Brand / UTM Tracking
Top Ups

This method will enable you to provide your users with the ability to load funds in the customer's wallet in the system. The payer will be requested with entering the reciepent email address to receive the funds.

Take me to Top Ups