Error 500 - Unknown Merchant

When receiving the request to our server in case you are sending the request in POST you might not include the required headers for the request.

Follow the documentation

Review the Server to server overview for basic tips and instructions before you start implmenting our integration.

To save you the trouble we included the tips here below.

Need to know

This page includes a dedicated listing of the services assigned for processing payments. If you need your website to perform secured payments, this is the main collection of services you should be using. This set of services requires a meticulous attention to flows and attributes depending on the environment used, and the account configuration.

Important points to pay attention to:

1. The preferred http method to use is GET, if you choose to use POST please remember, add http content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

2. Please do not use localhost urls in your requests, these might be blocked by our WAF

3. In case using languages other then english remember to urlencode any special charcther included in the request, we recommend using English for all requests as not all acquirers/PSPs knows how to handle languages other then english.

4. Optional fields are "Optional" on a technical level but might be required by different providers, we recommend including as much information as possible with each request that way the chances for a transaction to be approved by the providers will be higher.

Requests Endpoint: