Provided you include the notification_url parameter in your request the system will send a notification to your chosen endpoint in the following format:

YOUR ENDPOINT?reply_code=000&reply_desc=SUCCESS&trans_id=158532&trans_date=12%2F5%2F2023+3%3A39%3A16+PM&otrans_amount=500&trans_amount=500&otrans_currency=EUR&trans_currency=EUR&trans_order=232039&merchant_id=8299858&client_fullname=Erikson Perez sierra&client_phone=00000000000& .... 1234&exp_month=06&exp_year=30&trans_type=0&signature=JCboifKxubFiTnfsbQzuBpZ%2BM7cKb07sYepQkOp%2Blsw%3D&plid=&system_reference=20231205153853315829&debit_company=146&debrefnum=tFuN3ruE&debrefcode=592034815&debit_companyname=Fibonatix&by-request-sn=0V0tde3T&is3d=1&isRefund=0&client_address=C/vallcivera&client_address2=&client_zipcode=08033&client_country=ES&client_city=Barcelona&bin_country=ES&pm=22&StorageID=0&ccBIN=494019&CP26=&CP27=&CP28=&CP29=&CP30=
Parameter Description
reply_code Reply code provided from the system - list of reply codes can be found here Reply codes*/**
reply_desc The reason for the decline as it is provided from the provider or by the system - for further info contact Support
trans_id The transaction ID that is generate by our system
trans_date The time and date of the transaction - Time is set to GMT (URL Encoded)
trans_amount The amount of the transaction that was processed
trans_currency The currency in which the transaction was processed. (ISO Code - USD/EUR/GBP)
trans_order The order id that was sent by the merchant to our system - the unique identifier on the merchant CRM system.
payment_details This will return the payment method used and the last 4 digits on the card number if relevant
merchant_id The company id as it was provided to the merchant by Support (Company Number)
client_fullname The full name of the client that was included in the transaction.
client_phone The phone number of the client that was included in the transaction.
client_email The email address of the client that was included in the transaction.
payment_details Payment method name and last 4 digits in case of credit cards.
trans_type The type of the transaction.
debit_company In "cashier mode" is enabled you will receive the ID of the provider who processed the transaction.
debrefnum The identifier provided by the provider.
bin_country The country of which the card was issued at.
pm The Payment Method ID - the full list is avaiable under the list section.
StorageID The CC storage ID generated for the transaction when applicable.
ExpMonth The Expiration month of the card.
ExpYear The The Expiration year of the card.
signature base64( hash('sha256', trans_id + trans_order + reply_code + trans_amount + trans_currency + merchanthash))
debit_company The identifier represeting the Debit company on the platform side
debit_companyname The name of the provider who processed the transaction, will match to the debit company id.
debrefnum One of the references returned for the provider during the processing of the transaction used for reconciliation.
debrefcode One of the references returned for the provider during the processing of the transaction used for reconciliation.

* Reply codes are either from system or from the providers we work with - list of declines may change from time to time.
** Approved reply code would always be 000 and Pending would be 553.
*** Please be sure to support POST on your end to receive the notifcation