Service Endpoint


Request Headers

Parameter Mandatory Type Description
Content-Type Yes string application/json
applicationToken Yes string The applicationToken provided to you by support in order to access the service.
CredentialsHeaderName Yes string The value of "CredentialsToken" returned from the Authentication call .
Signature Yes string The signature created from the values sent in the body of the request - sample script
												 hash = CryptoJS.SHA256(pm.request.body.raw + pm.collectionVariables.get('salt'));
    signature = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(hash)
    pm.variables.set("Signature", "bytes-SHA256, " + signature).

Request Fields

Parameter Mandatory Type Description
DateFrom Yes DateTime(Epoch) The date from which you wish to start the search ("/Date(1698771600+0200)/")
DateTo No DateTime(Epcoh) The date to which you would like your search to end (/Date(1702572935000+0200)/)
CustomerId No int The CustomerId created for the user during the transaction or created by CustomerRegister
TransType Yes string Captured = 1, Declined = 2, Approval = 3, Pending = 4, IsRefund = 5
LoadMerchant No This block contains login options
LoadPayment No string Name of the application from which login is being performed
LoadPayer Yes string Application token for which login is being performed (same value you add to the request's header)
LoadFees No string ID of the device from which login is being performed
PageNumber No string Push token (allows to get push messages on mobile devices)
PageSize No boolean Defines whether cookie has to be set

Response Fields

Parameter Type Description
Field Type Result code
Amount Decimal 1.0000
AuthCode String MjMxMjE0MTM0NjI2MjMzMDQ3MzMzNDf6U3dmVDWrFdgFfsxrnI
Comment String
CurrencyIso String ILS
CustomerId Integer 0
DebitCompanyId Integer 11
DebitReferenceCode String 23121413462623304733347
DebitReferenceNum String 912946657
ID Integer 28552
InsertDate Date /Date(1702554387000+0000)/
Installments Integer 0
Is3D Boolean false
IsChargeback Boolean false
IsManual Boolean false
IsRecurring Boolean false
IsRefund Boolean false
IsRefunded Boolean false
Merchant Object
Address Object
AddressLine1 Null
AddressLine2 Null
City Null
CountryIso Null
PostalCode Null
StateIso Null
Currencies Array ["ILS"]
Email String
ExternalMerchantIDParam String
FaxNumber String
Group Null
Industry Null
Languages Array []
Name String monyx test
Number String 1960271
PhoneNumber String 132456789
WebsiteUrl String
OrderId String 2005843394
OriginalTransId Integer 0
PLID String
PayerData Object
Field Type Result code
Email String
FullName String **Default**
Phone String
ShippingAddress Object
AddressLine1 Null
AddressLine2 Null
City Null
CountryIso Null
PostalCode Null
StateIso Null
PaymentData Object
BillingAddress Null
Bin String 458004
BinCountry String IL
ExpirationMonth Integer 7
ExpirationYear Integer 2025
Last4 String 6290
Type String Visa
PaymentDisplay String Visa...6290
PaymentMethodGroupKey String 1
PaymentMethodKey String 22
ReceiptLink String
ReceiptText String
RecurringSeries String
ReplyCode String
ReplyDescription String
SourceAmount Decimal 1.0000
SourceCurrency String ILS
TerminalId String 5661145757
Text String
TransactionFees Object
ChargebackFee Decimal 0.0000
ClarificationFee Decimal 0.0000
DebitFee Decimal 1.0700
DebitFeeChb Integer 0
HandlingFee Decimal 0.0000
RatioFee Decimal 0.0000
TransactionFee Decimal 0.0000

Request example

Code Example
		"DateFrom": "/Date(1698771600+0200)/",
		"DateTo": "/Date(1702572935000+0200)/",
        "CustomerId": 24881
		"TransType": 1,
		"LoadMerchant": true,
		"LoadPayment": true,
		"LoadPayer": true,
		"LoadFees": true

		"PageNumber": 1,
		"PageSize": 1000

Response example

Code Example
  "d": [
            "__type": "Transactions.Transaction:WebServices",
            "Amount": 1.0000,
            "AuthCode": "MjMxMjE0MTM0NjI2MjMzMDQ3MzMzNDf6U3dmVDWrFdgFfsxrnI",
            "Comment": "",
            "CurrencyIso": "ILS",
            "CustomerId": 0,
            "DebitCompanyId": 11,
            "DebitReferenceCode": "23121413462623304733347",
            "DebitReferenceNum": "912946657",
            "ID": 28552,
            "InsertDate": "/Date(1702554387000+0000)/",
            "Installments": 0,
            "Is3D": false,
            "IsChargeback": false,
            "IsManual": false,
            "IsRecurring": false,
            "IsRefund": false,
            "IsRefunded": false,
            "Merchant": {
                "__type": "Shop.Merchant:WebServices",
                "Address": {
                    "__type": "ServiceAddress:WebServices",
                    "AddressLine1": null,
                    "AddressLine2": null,
                    "City": null,
                    "CountryIso": null,
                    "PostalCode": null,
                    "StateIso": null
                "Currencies": [
                "Email": "",
                "ExternalMerchantIDParam": "",
                "FaxNumber": "",
                "Group": null,
                "Industry": null,
                "Languages": [],
                "Name": "monyx test",
                "Number": "1960271",
                "PhoneNumber": "132456789",
                "WebsiteUrl": ""
            "OrderId": "2005843394",
            "OriginalTransId": 0,
            "PLID": "",
            "PayerData": {
                "__type": "Transactions.Payer:WebServices",
                "Email": "",
                "FullName": "**Default**",
                "Phone": "",
                "ShippingAddress": {
                    "__type": "ServiceAddress:WebServices",
                    "AddressLine1": null,
                    "AddressLine2": null,
                    "City": null,
                    "CountryIso": null,
                    "PostalCode": null,
                    "StateIso": null
            "PaymentData": {
                "__type": "Transactions.Payment:WebServices",
                "BillingAddress": null,
                "Bin": "458004",
                "BinCountry": "IL",
                "ExpirationMonth": 7,
                "ExpirationYear": 2025,
                "Last4": "6290",
                "Type": "Visa"
            "PaymentDisplay": "Visa...6290",
            "PaymentMethodGroupKey": "1",
            "PaymentMethodKey": "22",
            "ReceiptLink": null,
            "ReceiptText": null,
            "RecurringSeries": null,
            "ReplyCode": "",
            "ReplyDescription": null,
            "SourceAmount": 1.0000,
            "SourceCurrency": "ILS",
            "TerminalId": "5661145757",
            "Text": "",
            "TransactionFees": {
                "__type": "Transactions.TransactionFees:WebServices",
                "ChargebackFee": 0.0000,
                "ClarificationFee": 0.0000,
                "DebitFee": 1.0700,
                "DebitFeeChb": 0,
                "HandlingFee": 0.0000,
                "RatioFee": 0.0000,
                "TransactionFee": 0.0000