Amounts to Reply codes

The best way to test different use cases of your integration would be to trigger the use by the amount of the transaction.

Amount Response
0.04 Error 1001: Soft Decline (Call)
0.05 Error 1002: Insufficient Funds
0.90 Approved with 5 second delay
0.91 Approved with 10 second delay
0.92 Approved with 20 second delay
0.93 Approved with 30 second delay
0.94 Approved with 40 second delay
0.95 Approved with 50 second delay
0.96 Approved with 60 second delay
0.97 Approved with 70 second delay
0.98 Approved with 80 second delay
0.99 Approved with 90 second delay
55.3 3D secure/APM simulator - this will return 533 and redirect Url to complete transaction
1.00 + Approved

* Enabled only after all data being send are in the correct format and length
** Specifying any other amount will cause reply 596 (Integration mode - incorrect charge amount)