Check status by ID

Service to request a transaction status - by default the service will return the PENDING transaction id that was sent given that this service was built for the purpose of checking 3DS transactions, you can adjust the RequestType field to "1" to receive all other types of transaction status.

Service URL

Request Fields

Field Required Description
CompanyNum Yes Your merchant number - 5722306
TransID Yes ID number of transaction
RequestType No For a non-pending transaction send "1"

Request example


Response Fields

Field Description
Reply Reply code (see list of possible reply codes of Silent Post)
ReplyDesc Reply description
TransID ID number of transaction

Response example

Reply=XXX&ReplyDesc=Some Reply Description&TransID=XXXX 

Check status by Order

Service to request the response for a specific order id as configured on the merchant CRM system - Since there are cases where the Merchant might be using the same Order ID for multiple transactions, some approved some declined the service will return a JSON response holding all the relevant transactions found with that Order ID for that Merchant.

Service URL

Request Fields

Field Required Description
CompanyNum Yes Your merchant number - 5722306
Order Yes ID number of transaction
Signature Yes Signature creation algorithm is: base64(Hash("SHA256",CompanyNum + Order + MerchantHashKey))
signature output example: ZaezsN+9xHWkLorQgtNW5M+fB6/lVP4SgtlUDwgBl+0=

Request example


Response Fields

Field Description
Reply Reply code (see list of possible reply codes of Silent Post)
ReplyDesc Reply description
TransID ID number of transaction
trans_date Date and time of the transaction
merchantID Company Number
trans_amount Transaction amount
trans_currency Transaction currency
trans_type Transaction type: 0 = Debit Transaction 1 = Authorization only 2 = Capture 3 = Charge stored credit card (pass the stored card ID in CcStorageID field)
trans_installments The number of installments for the transaction.
client_fullName Card holder full name
client_email Card holder email
client_phoneNum Card holder phone number

Response example

Response example in JSON format:
{ "error":"0", "message":"SUCCESS", "data":[
{ "replyCode":"004", "replyDesc":"Missing Customer Name Part", "trans_id":"19717", "trans_date":"28/01/2019 16:05:21", "merchantID":"XXXXXXX", "trans_amount":"1.23", "trans_currency":"USD", "trans_type":"0", "trans_installments":"1", "client_fullName":"test best", "client_email":"", "client_phoneNum":"1212121212" }
{ "replyCode":"546", "replyDesc":"Previous transaction with this card is still in process, please try again after response is sent", "trans_id":"20", "trans_date":"21/08/2017 15:52:57", "merchantID":"XXXXXXX", "trans_amount":"10", "trans_currency":"USD", "trans_type":"0", "trans_installments":"1", "client_fullName":"test best", "client_email":"", "client_phoneNum":"+0()1234567" }
{ "replyCode":"546", "replyDesc":"No details", "trans_id":"20", "trans_date":"21/08/2017 15:52:57", "merchantID":"XXXXXXX", "trans_amount":"10", "trans_currency":"USD", "trans_type":"0", "trans_installments":"1", "client_fullName":"bester tester", "client_email":"", "client_phoneNum":"+0()1234567" }
{ "replyCode":"000", "replyDesc":"SUCCESS", "trans_id":"4091", "trans_date":"24/12/2017 21:03:04", "merchantID":"XXXXXXX", "trans_amount":"1", "trans_currency":"EUR", "trans_type":"0", "trans_installments":"1", "client_fullName":"TEST HOST CARD", "client_email":"", "client_phoneNum":"" }
] }
Or failed response example:
{ "error":"103", "message":"Failed On Authentication", "data":[] }

Get Status Generator

Request example

Response example