Parameter Name Length Parameter description
show_PayButton 5 true/false - In case you wish to hide our paybutton and have your Pay button trigger the payment send "false" and our button will be hidden from the UI Optional
ui_version 2 When using this feature we recommend using the Naked tempalte that is fully customizable via the custom css feature for Naked send "10" as the value of this field Optional

Code example

Code Example
// Assuming the iframe has an id of 'myIframe'
function triggerIframeButton() {
const iframe = document.getElementById("myIframe");
if (iframe) {
// Send the message to the iframe
iframe.contentWindow.postMessage("triggerPayButton", "");
// Example usage: attach to a button click in the parent window
document.getElementById("parentButton").addEventListener("click", triggerIframeButton);