Purchase a voucher

The process of purchasing a voucher will require you to add the below fields to your SALE request - this applies to Hosted page or Server to server

Parameter Name Length Parameter description
isTOPUP 1 1 = Sending the value will inform the system it is a TOPUP request and in case of the payment page will present the TOPUP section Mandatory
isVoucher 1 1 = Sending the value will inform the system it is a TOPUP request and that a Voucher needs to be generated. Mandatory
RecipientEmail 50 The Email address of the Recipient wallet, the system will search for the wallet in the system and will allocate the funds Mandatory on Server2Server
RecipientPhone 50 The Phone of the Recipient wallet, the system will search for the wallet in the system and will allocate the funds Mandatory on Server2Server
AIID 1 The ID of the Program the wallet belongs too, the system allows you to manage multiple programs and as such the customer must belong to the relevant program Mandatory on Server2Server

Purchase Response

The response of the request to purchase a voucher will include the voucher number in the response itself.

Parameter Name Length Parameter description
Voucher 20 The voucher number the customer will receive in order to redeem in the redeem stage.

Redeeming a Voucher

The request to redeem a voucher - "Paying with a voucher" is simple - follow the APM flow along with the Voucher number.

Parameter Name Length Parameter description Mandatory
CPM 3 The payment method id for paying with a voucher. Yes
Voucher 20 The voucher number the customer will receive in order to redeem in the redeem stage. Yes