
This is the custom text that appears at the top of the payment experience, you can customize at you see fit to let your users know what needs to be done.

To configure the text go to the Payment Page Settings page on our MCP and go to "Extra Text" - you can add additional languages and enter the text in the first box.


This is the custom text that appears at the bottom of the payment experience, you can customize at you see fit to let your users know what are the terms or a disclaimer.

To configure the text go to the Payment Page Settings page on our MCP and go to "Extra Text" - you can add additional languages and enter the text in the second box.


This is the custom text that appears at the end of the payment experience, when a transaction is Successful - you can customize at you see fit to let your users know what needs to be done

To configure the text go to the Payment Page Settings page on our MCP and go to "Extra Text" - you can add additional languages and enter the text in the third box.


This is the custom text that appears at the end of the payment experience, when a transaction is Declined- you can customize at you see fit to let your users know what needs to be done

To configure the text go to the Payment Page Settings page on our MCP and go to "Extra Text" - you can add additional languages and enter the text in the forth box.