Service Endpoint


Request Headers

Parameter Mandatory Type Description
Content-Type Yes string application/json
applicationToken Yes string The applicationToken provided to you by support in order to access the service.
CredentialsHeaderName Yes string The value of "CredentialsToken" returned from the Authentication call .
Signature Yes string The signature created from the values sent in the body of the request - sample script
												 hash = CryptoJS.SHA256(pm.request.body.raw + pm.collectionVariables.get('salt'));
    signature = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(hash)
    pm.variables.set("Signature", "bytes-SHA256, " + signature).

Request Fields

Parameter Mandatory Type Description
id Yes int The ID of the Wire you are want to check the status for

Response Fields

Parameter Type Description
WireID int 2896
WireApprovalStatus string Approved
WireStatus string Pending
WireOrigin string Banking
WireCurrency string EUR
WireAmount string 2.00
WireCreateDate string 2025-03-03T16:28:59
AccountID int 3
AccountName string null
AccountPhone string null
CustomerGroups string null
SettlementID int 0
NetAmount float 0.0
Fees float 0.0
FeeFlat float 0.0
FeePercent float 0.0
BalanceStatus string null
ConversionHistory string null
RecipientData object Contains various recipient details
RecipientID int 435
RecipientBankName string ABC Bank
RecipientBankAccountNumber string 123456789
RecipientSwiftNumber string IIIGGB22
RecipientAddress string Mrs Smith 71 Cherry Court SO53 5PD UK
IsPassedAmnetCheckResult string null
OrderID int null

Request example

Code Example
	"id": 2896

Response example

Code Example
    "IsSuccess": true,
    "ErrorMessage": null,
    "Wires": [
            "WireID": 2896,
            "WireApprovalStatus": "Approved",
            "WireStatus": "Pending",
            "WireOrigin": "Banking",
            "WireCurrency": "EUR",
            "WireAmount": "2.00",
            "WireCreateDate": "2025-03-03T16:28:59",
            "AccountID": 3,
            "AccountName": null,
            "AccountPhone": null,
            "CustomerGroups": null,
            "SettlementID": 0,
            "NetAmount": 0.0,
            "Fees": 0.0,
            "FeeFlat": 0.0,
            "FeePercent": 0.0,
            "BalanceStatus": null,
            "ConversionHistory": null,
            "RecipientData": {
                "RecipientID": 435,
                "RecipientBankName": "ABC Bank",
                "RecipientBankAccountNumber": "123456789",
                "RecipientSwiftNumber": "IIIGGB22",
                "RecipientAddress": "Mrs Smith 71 Cherry Court SO53 5PD UK",
                "IsPassedAmnetCheckResult": null
            "OrderID": null