3DS flow

This is a high level overview of a 3DS transaction status flow.

Intial response

The 3DS flow requires redirecting the card holder to the 3D window in order to complete the 3D validation flow, when sending an Auth or SALE transaction request in case 3DS is available you will recieve an intianl response of 553 responce code which means the transaction is in pending state and 3D redirection is needed.

The Redirect

The pending response includes a 3Dredirect param that will include the url to which you need to redirect the customer to in order to complete the 3DS validation - the value of the param will be url encoded so you will have to url decode it before redirecting the customer to the 3D window.

For the duration of the process the transaction will remain in 553 state which is Pending until we recieve a response from the provider that will enable us to finalize the transaction status.

Final status

Once we recieve the final status from the provider we will redirect the customer back to your redirect url and we will post a callback to your notification url. Both responses will include all the information regarding the transaction so you can update your CRM system with the final status of the transaction.

Transaction In Progress

Some providers provide an additional status of "Still processing" and this will show how to handle it.

The initial response

As described in the section hereabove all the intial response flow remains the same, this use case will cover a situation where you have redirected the customer to the 3D window but instead of recieving a final response you will recieve a 001 response code which means "still in progrss".

001 - In progress

In case you recieved the 001 response you will have to inform the customer that the transaction is still in progress and to wait to the final status, this status in intended to keep the customer in the loop of the progress and to prevent misunderstanding that will result in chargeback or other issues.

We monitor the transaction status with the provider and will update you once the transaction status updates to the final status, in most cases the final status will be pushed by notification to your notification url

Checking status

You can always use our getstatus api either by using the Order ID you provided during the request or by using the Pending transaction id provided in the 553 response.