Merchant Gateway Acquirer
1. Send Inital request with trans_storePm/StoreCc value 1
2. Pass the transaction to the Acquirer
3. Process the transaction with the schemes and return an Approved response
4.Generate a token from the card number and the approved transaction ID
5. Stores the token with the user ID in the merchant's CRM
Repeated transaction
6. Initiate Repeated transaction and passing CcStorageID via Server to server
7. Converts the token and process the transaction with Acquirer
8. Processes transactions with the schemes

Initial Request

Review the fields required to generate a Server to Server request using a stored card.

Field Description MaxLength Required 1
CompanyNum Your company number - ####### 7 Yes
TransType 2 0 = SALE
1 = Authorization only
2 Yes
CardNum Credit card number to be charged 20 Yes 3
ExpMonth Expiration month (MM) 2 Yes 3
ExpYear Expiration year (YYYY) 4 Yes 3
Track2 Track 2 of credit card number 20 No 4
Member Cardholder name as it appears on the card 50 Yes 3
TypeCredit 2 1 = Debit 1 Yes
Payments Number of installments, 1 for regular transaction 2 Yes
Amount Amount to be charged, e.g. 199.95 10 Yes
Currency Supported Currencies can be found Here, in Server to Server mode you must send the Currency ID. 1 Yes
CVV2 3-5 digits from back of the credit card 5 Optional
Email Cardholder email address 50 Mandatory
PersonalNum Cardholder Driver ID or social security number 20 Optional
DateOfBirth Date of birth of card holder format should be yyyyMMdd 8 Optional
PhoneNumber Cardholder phone number 20 Optional
ClientIP IP address of the client making the purchase 15 Mandatory
BillingAddress1 1st Address line 100 Optional
BillingAddress2 2nd Address line 100 Optional
BillingCity City name 60 Optional
BillingZipCode Zip Code number 15 Optional
BillingState State - 2 character iso format
Required only when BillingCountry is US/CA.
5 Optional
BillingCountry Country - 2 character iso format 5 Optional
Order Unique Text used to defer one transaction from another 100 Optional
PLID Platform user ID - A unique identifier for the user on the platform 100 Optional
Comment Optional text used mainly to describe the transaction 500 Optional
TrmCode When activated and applied in merchant config, this parameter selects the exact terminal to use 4 Optional
RRL (Risk Rule Level) by map listed below: 0=Bronze/1=Silver/2=Gold/3=Platinum 4 Optional
RetURL 3D secure only, In cases where 553 is returned.
the client should be redirected to bank's site.
when the interaction with bank is done, the client is redirected to this URL.
255 Optional
notification_url The callback URL you wish our servers to update at the end of each transaction, this can passed either via the MCP or via this field. 255 Optional
StoreCc Specifies, if the credit card should be stored in case of success:
0 = Do not store the card (default)
1 = Store the card
In order to store the credit card,
Credit Card Storage service should be enabled in your account.
1 No 4
AutoWalletRegistration Send 1 to create new wallet for the customer using customer data and CC details.
Wallet is created only in case of success.
1 No
Signature Signature for verifying the authenticity of the request parameters.
Field values to use: CompanyNum + TransType + TypeCredit + Amount + Currency + CardNum + RefTransID + PersonalHashKey
Refer to BASIC INFO SIGNATURE for detailed explanation.
50 Mandatory
Code Example
var Siganture = CryptoJS.SHA256(CompanyNum + 1 + TypeCredit + Amount + Currency + CardNum + PersonalHashKey);
var Base64Siganture = Siganture.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Base64);
var hash = encodeURIComponent(Base64Siganture);

var src = "" + "CompanyNum=" + CompanyNum + "&TransType="  + 1 + "&Brand="  + Brand + 
"&CardNum=" + CardNum + "&ExpMonth=" + ExpMonth + "&ExpYear=" + ExpYear + "&TypeCredit=" + TypeCredit + "&Amount=" + Amount  + "&Member=" + Member  +
 "&Currency=" + Currency + "&CVV2=" + CVV2 + "&Email=" + Email + "&PhoneNumber=" + PhoneNumber + "&BillingAddress1=" + BillingAddress1 + 
"&BillingAddress2=" + BillingAddress2 + "&BillingCity=" + BillingCity + "&BillingZipCode=" + BillingZipCode + "&BillingCountry=" + BillingCountry + 
"&StoreCc=" + StoreCc + "&Order=" + Order + "&AutoWalletRegistration=" + AutoWalletRegistration + "&RetURL=" + encodeURIComponent(RetURL) +
 "¬ification_url=" + encodeURIComponent(notification_url) + "&Signature=" + hash;

Repeated Request

The 3D secure flow requires a redirect to the bank's window, to simulate that, send the amount of 55.3 in any currency, the response that will be given will be ReplyCode=553 which means Pending transaction, the response will include the Pending transaction ID along with the URL to redirect the window to.
Remember you will need to URLdecode the URL, in the 3Dredirect field,before redirecting to the URL.

Field Description MaxLength Required 1
CompanyNum Your company number - ####### 7 Yes
TransType 2 3 = Charge stored credit card (pass the stored card ID in CcStorageID field) 2 Yes
Member Cardholder name as it appears on the card 50 Yes 3
TypeCredit 2 1 = Debit 1 Yes
Payments Number of installments, 1 for regular transaction 2 Yes
Amount Amount to be charged, e.g. 199.95 10 Yes
Currency Supported Currencies can be found Here, in Server to Server mode you must send the Currency ID. 1 Yes
Email Cardholder email address 50 Mandatory
PersonalNum Cardholder Driver ID or social security number 20 Optional
DateOfBirth Date of birth of card holder format should be yyyyMMdd 8 Optional
PhoneNumber Cardholder phone number 20 Optional
ClientIP IP address of the client making the purchase 15 Mandatory
BillingAddress1 1st Address line 100 Optional
BillingAddress2 2nd Address line 100 Optional
BillingCity City name 60 Optional
BillingZipCode Zip Code number 15 Optional
BillingState State - 2 character iso format
Required only when BillingCountry is US/CA.
5 Optional
BillingCountry Country - 2 character iso format 5 Optional
Order Unique Text used to defer one transaction from another 100 Optional
PLID Platform user ID - A unique identifier for the user on the platform 100 Optional
Comment Optional text used mainly to describe the transaction 500 Optional
TrmCode When activated and applied in merchant config, this parameter selects the exact terminal to use 4 Optional
RRL (Risk Rule Level) by map listed below: 0=Bronze/1=Silver/2=Gold/3=Platinum 4 Optional
RetURL 3D secure only, In cases where 553 is returned.
the client should be redirected to bank's site.
when the interaction with bank is done, the client is redirected to this URL.
255 Optional
notification_url The callback URL you wish our servers to update at the end of each transaction, this can passed either via the MCP or via this field. 255 Optional
CcStorageID The Unique identifier for the stored card as it was returned in the initial request. 1 No 4
Signature Signature for verifying the authenticity of the request parameters.
Field values to use: CompanyNum + TransType + TypeCredit + Amount + Currency + CardNum + RefTransID + PersonalHashKey
Refer to BASIC INFO SIGNATURE for detailed explanation.
50 Mandatory
Code Example
var Siganture = CryptoJS.SHA256( CompanyNum + TransTypeToken + TypeCredit + Amount + Currency + CardNum + RefTransID + PersonalHashKey);
        var Base64Siganture = Siganture.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Base64);
        var hash = encodeURIComponent(Base64Siganture);

        var src = baseUrl + "/member/remote_charge.asp?" + "CompanyNum=" + CompanyNum + "&TransType="  + 3 + "&CcStorageID=" + CcStorageID +  "&TypeCredit=" + TypeCredit + "&Amount=" + Amount  + "&Currency=" + Currency + "&Email=" + Email + "&PhoneNumber=" + PhoneNumber + "&BillingAddress1=" + BillingAddress1 + "&BillingAddress2=" + BillingAddress2 + "&BillingCity=" + BillingCity + "&BillingZipCode=" + BillingZipCode + "&BillingCountry=" + BillingCountry + "&Order=" + Order + "&AutoWalletRegistration=" + AutoWalletRegistration + "&RetURL=" + encodeURIComponent(RetURL) + "¬ification_url=" + encodeURIComponent(notification_url) + "&Signature=" + hash